
Birds in the Algarve - arranged by English common names

Many keen birders visit the Algarve region of Portugal because it is on a major migration route, but even away from the Sagres area (a hotspot for observing passage migrants) there are many other good sites for bird watching and plenty of resident seabirds, garden birds and countryside birds (including birds of prey) to make a visit worthwhile.

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For more details of the best birding sites, see our Nature Reserves/Parks and Wildlife Walks section; however, it's worth mentioning here that the saltpans at Parque Natural de Rio Formosa, the cork oak forests in the serra (hills), and the coastal cliffs (where many seabirds nest) are well worth visiting. In towns look out for White Stork nesting on chimneys; on golf courses keep an eye open for the lovely Hoopoe; and in farmland where almond trees grow there's a very good chance of seeing Bee-eaters, which often rest on telephone wires and high fences; this makes them easy to spot but tricky to photograph against a bright sky.

The table below, sorted alphabetically by English Common Names, lists a small selection of the birds reported from the Algarve. Some are common; others infrequent and a few rarely seen. For excellent pictures and detailed information of when and where these birds are most likely to be seen, it's well worth getting a copy of Algarve Wildlife, the natural year, a beautifully illustrated book by Clive Viney and Ray Tipper, two expert birders who live in the Algarve and have been studying bird life there for many years.

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Accentor, Alpine Ferreirinha-alpina
Avocet Alfaiate
Bee-eater, European Abelharuco
Bittern, Little Garçote
Blackbird Melro-preto
Blackcap Toutinegra-de-barrete
Bluethroat Pisco-de-peito-azul
Brambling Tentilhão-montês
Bullfinch Dom-fafe
Bunting, Cirl Escrevedeira-de-garganta-preta
Bunting, Corn Trigueirão
Bunting, Ortolan Sombria
Bunting, Reed Escrevedeira-dos-caniços
Bunting, Rock Cia
Bustard, Little Sisão
Buzzard, Common Águia-d’asa-redonda
Chaffinch, Common Tentilhão-comum
Chiffchaff, Common Felosinha
Chiffchaff, Iberian Felosinha-ibérica
Chough, Red-billed Gralha-de-bico-vermelho
Cisticola, Zitting Fuinha-dos-juncos
Coot, Common Galeirão
Cormorant, Great Corvo-marinho
Crow, Carrion Gralha-preta
Cuckoo, Common Cuco
Cuckoo, Great Spotted Cuco-rabilongo
Curlew, Eurasian Maçarico-real
Dotterel Borrelho-ruivo
Dove, Collared Rola-turca
Dove, Rock Pombo-das-rochas
Dove, Stock Seixa
Dove, Turtle Rola-brava
Duck, Ferruginous Pêrra
Duck, Tufted Negrinha
Dunlin Pilrito-de-peito-preto
Dunnock Ferreirinha-comum
Eagle, Bonelli’s Águia perdligueira
Eagle, Booted Águia-calçada
Eagle, Golden Águia-real
Eagle, Short-toed Águia-cobreira
Eagle, Spanish Imperial Águia-imperial
Egret, Cattle Carraceiro
Egret, Great White Garça-branca-grande
Egret, Little Garça-branca-pequena
Falcon, Peregrine Falcão-peregrino
Fieldfare Tordo-zornal
Firecrest Estrelinha-real
Flamingo, Greater Flamingo
Flycatcher, Pied Papa-moscas-preto
Flycatcher, Spotted Taralhão-cinzento
Gadwall Frisada
Gannet, Northern Ganso-patola; Alcatraz
Garganey Marreco
Godwit, Bar-tailed Fuselo
Godwit, Black-tailed Milherango
Goldfinch Pintassilgo
Goose, Greylag Ganso-bravo
Goshawk Açor
Grebe, Black-necked Cagarraz
Grebe, Great Crested Mergulhão-de-poupa
Grebe, Little Mergulhão-pequeno
Greenfinch Verdilhão
Greenshank Perna-verde-comum
Gull, Audouin’s Gaivota de Audouin
Gull, Black-headed Guincho-comum
Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gaivota-d'asa-escura
Gull, Mediterranean Gaivota-de-cabeça-preta
Gull, Slender-billed Gaivota-de-bico-fino
Gull, Yellow-legged Gaivota-de-patas-amarelas
Harrier, Hen Tartaranhão-cinzento
Harrier, Marsh Águia-sepeira
Harrier, Montagu’s Águia caçadeira
Heron, Grey Garça-real
Heron, Purple Garça-vermelha
Hobby Ógea
Honey-buzzard Butio-vespeiro
Hoopoe Poupa
Ibis, Glossy Íbis-preta
Jackdaw, Western
Jay, Eurasian Gaio
Kestrel, Common Peneireiro
Kingfisher, Common Guarda-rios
Kite, Black Milhafre-preto
Kite, Black-winged Peneireiro-cinzento
Kite, Red Milhafre-real
Kittiwake, Black-legged Gaivota-tridáctila
Knot, Red Seixoeira
Lapwing, Northern Abibe
Lark, Crested Cotovia-de-poupa
Lark, Greater Short-toed Calhandrinha-comum
Lark, Lesser Short-toed Calhandrinha-das-marismas
Lark, Thekla Cotovia-escura
Linnet Pintarroxo
Magpie Pega
Magpie, Azure-winged Charneco
Mallard Pato-real
Martin, Crag Andorinha-das-rochas
Martin, House Andorinha-dos-beirais
Martin, Sand Andorinha-das-barreiras
Merlin Esmerilhão
Moorhen Galinha-d'água
Night-Heron Goraz
Nightingale, Common Rouxinol-comum
Nightjar, Red-necked Noitibó-de-nuca-vermelha
Nuthatch, Eurasian Trepadeira-azul
Oriole, Golden Papa-figos
Osprey Águia-pesqueira
Ouzel, Ring Melro-de-colar
Owl, Barn Coruja-das-torres
Owl, Eagle Bufo-real
Owl, Little Mocho-galego
Owl, Short-eared Coruja-do-nabal
Owl, Tawny Coruja-do-mato
Oystercatcher Ostraceiro
Partridge, Red-legged Perdiz-comum
Phalarope, Grey Falaropo-de-bico-grosso
Pigeon, Wood Pombo-torcaz
Pintail Arrábio
Pipit, Meadow Petinha-dos-prados
Pipit, Richard’s Petinha de Richard
Pipit, Rock Pethina marítima
Pipit, Tawny Petinha-dos-campos
Pipit, Tree Petinha-das-árvores
Pipit, Water Petinha-ribeirinha
Plover, European Golden Tarambola-dourada
Plover, Grey Tarambola-cinzenta
Plover, Kentish Borrelho-de-coleira-interrompida
Plover, Little Ringed Borrelho-pequeno-de-coleira
Plover, Ringed Borrelho-grande-de-coleira
Pochard, Common Zarro
Pochard, Red-crested Pato-de-bico-vermelho
Pratincole, Collared Perdiz-do-mar
Puffin Papagaio-do-mar
Quail, Common Codorniz
Rail, Water Frango-d'água
Raven, Common Corvo
Razorbill Torda-mergulheira
Redshank, Common Perna-vermelha-comum
Redshank, Spotted Perna-vermelha-bastardo
Redstart, Black Rabirruivo
Redstart, Common Rabirruivo-de-testa-branca
Redwing Tordo-ruivo
Robin, European Pisco-de-peito-ruivo
Ruff Combatente
Sanderling Pilrito-das-praias
Sandpiper, Common Maçarico-das-rochas
Sandpiper, Curlew Pilrito-de-bico-comprido
Sandpiper, Green Maçarico-bique-bique
Sandpiper, Wood Maçarico-de-dorso-malhado
Scoter, Common Negrola
Scrub Robin, Rufous-tailed Solitário
Serin, European Milheirinha
Shag, European Galheta
Shearwater, Balearic Fura-bucho das Baleares
Shearwater, Cory’s Cagarra
Shearwater, Great Pardela-de-barrete
Shearwater, Sooty Pardela-preta
Shelduck, Common Tadorna
Shoveler Pato-colhereiro
Shrike, Iberian Grey Picanço-real
Shrike, Woodchat Picanço-barreteiro
Siskin Lugre
Skua, Arctic Moleiro-pequeno
Skua, Great Alcaide
Skua, Pomarine Moleiro do Árctico
Skylark Laverca
Snipe, Common Narceja-comum
Snipe, Jack Narceja-galega
Sparrow, House Pardal
Sparrow, Rock Pardal-francês
Sparrow, Spanish Pardal-espanhol
Sparrow, Tree Pardal-montês
Sparrowhawk, Eurasian Gavião
Spoonbill, Eurasian Colhereiro
Starling, Common Estorninho-malhado
Starling, Spotless Estorninho-preto
Stilt, Black-winged Pernilongo
Stint, Little Pilrito-pequeno
Stint, Temminck’s Pilrito de Temminck
Stonechat, European Cartaxo-comum
Stone-curlew Alcaravão
Stork, Black Cegonha-preta
Stork, White Cegonha-branca
Storm-petrel, European Alma-de-mestre
Storm-petrel, Wilson's Casquilho
Swallow, Barn Andorinha-das-chaminés
Swallow, Red-rumped Andorinha-dáurica
Swamp-hen, Purple Caimão
Swift, Alpine Andorinhão-real
Swift, Common Andorinhão-preto
Swift, Pallid Andorinhão-pálido
Teal, Eurasian Marrequinha-comum
Tern, Arctic Gaivina do Árctico
Tern, Black Gaivina-preta
Tern, Caspian Garajau-grande
Tern, Common Gaivina
Tern, Gull-billed Tagaz
Tern, Little Chilreta
Tern, Sandwich Garajau
Tern, Whiskered Gaivina-dos-pauis
Thrush, Blue Rock Melro-azul
Thrush, Mistle Tordoveia
Thrush, Song Tordo-pinto
Tit, Blue Chapim-azul
Tit, Crested Chapim-de-poupa
Tit, Great Chapim-real
Tit, Long-tailed Chapim-rabilongo
Treecreeper, Short-toed Trepadeira
Turnstone Rola-do-mar
Vulture, Egyptian Britango
Vulture, Griffon Grifo
Vulture, Griffon, Rüppell's Grifo-pedres
Wagtail, Grey Alvéola-cinzenta
Wagtail, White Alvéola-branca
Wagtail, Yellow Alvéola-amarela
Warbler, Cetti’s Rouxinol-bravo
Warbler, Dartford Toutinegra-do-mato
Warbler, Garden Toutinegra-das-figueiras
Warbler, Grasshopper Cigarrinha-malhada
Warbler, Great Reed Rouxinol-grande-dos-caniços
Warbler, Melodious Felosa-poliglota
Warbler, Reed Rouxinol-dos-caniços
Warbler, Sardinian Toutinegra-dos-valados
Warbler, Savi's Cigarrinha-ruiva
Warbler, Sedge Felosa-dos-juncos
Warbler, Spectacled Toutinegra-tomilheira
Warbler, Western Olivaceous Felosa-pálida
Warbler, Western Bonelli’s Felosa-de-papo-branco
Warbler, Western Orphean Toutinegra-real
Warbler, Western Subalpine Toutinegra-de-bigodes
Warbler, Willow Felosa-musical
Waxbill, Common Bico-de-lacre
Weaver, Black-headed Tecelão-de-cabeca-preta
Wheatear, Black-eared Chasco-ruivo
Wheatear, Northern Chasco-cinzento
Whimbrel Maçarico-galego
Whinchat Cartaxo-nortenho
Whitethroat, Common Papa-amoras
Wigeon, Eurasian Piadeira
Woodcock Galinhola
Woodlark Cotovia-dos-bosques
Woodpecker, Great Spotted Pica-pau-malhado
Woodpecker, Iberian Green Peto-real
Woodpecker, Lesser Spotted Pica-pau-galego
Wren Carriça
Wryneck Torcicolo

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Sue Parker's latest ebook is a revised and enlarged second edition of the acclaimed Wildflowers in the Algarve - an introductory guide. Full details here...

Buy it for just £3.95 on Amazon...

Sue Parker's 5-star acclaimed field guide to the Wild Orchids of the Algarve is now available as an ebook. Full details here...

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