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Lovely weather for ducks (and wildflowers)

Warm June and July nights and lots of rainy days in Britain, Ireland and much of Northern Europe have suited the wildflowers. Wild Orchids in particular have been providing brilliant displays. Not many butterflies yet, as most species need sunshine... more warm sunny days, please!

Here's news of our latest ebooks...

... the proceeds of which help keep the First Nature website online and free from intrusive adverts as well as supporting the conservation work of environmental charities. (We no longer oublish printed books, and we have donated all remaining stock to raise money for the conservation work of Plantlife, the Wild Trout Trust and other environmental charities.) ebook details...

Wild orchids are now flowering in Wales

Early Marsh-orchids in Wales

From April through to the end of August, a succession of wonderful wild orchids can be seen blooming in Wales. All you need to know is which species occur when and, most importantly where.

Wild orchids don't grow evenly everywhere, and that's particularly true of Wales, parts of which have very little of the kinds of habitats that these sensitive wildflowers require. Fortunately, there are are quite a lot of really productive hotspots (but many more orchid notspots!). Why waste time and effort searching in vain? When time is precious, being accompanied by an authoritative guide makes all the difference.

That's where having Sue Parker's highly-acclaimed book Wild Orchids of Wales - how, when and where to find them (the hardback edition sadly no longer in print) is so helpful. It has recently been fully updated and republished as an ebook. A full set of five-star reviews testify to the value of this beautifully-illustrated guide, now even better value at a third of the original printed-book price.

Wild orchids are already flowering in the Algarve

Ophrys tenthredinifera

From late December through to the end of May, a succession of wonderful wild orchids can be seen blooming in Portugal's famous Algarve Region. All you need to know is which species occur when and, most importantly where.

Unlike currants in a bun produced by a masterchef, wild orchids are not spread out at all evenly. In the Algarve in particular, there are quite a few really productive hotspots but many more totally barren notspots. You can waste a lot of time and effort searching in vain, but if your holiday hours are precious having an authoritative guide makes all the difference.

Now, Sue Parker's highly-acclaimed book Wild Orchids of the Algarve, how, when and where to find them (the hardback edition sadly no longer in print) has been fully updated and republished as an ebook. A plethora of five-star reviews testify to the usefulness of this beautifully-illustrated guide, now even better value at a third of the original printed-book price.

Microscopy for Amateur Mycologists

Microscopy for beginners

It's amazing how much more you can learn about fungi if you have access to a microscope. Our no-jargon Online Guide to Mushroom Microscopy has all the essential information about choosing and using a compound microscope, selecting chemical stains, preparing slides etc to help you get started.

There are also examples of the microscopic 'characters' cited in identification keys. More details...

Focus on Ascomycetes

Asci of the Eyelash Fungus, Scutellaria scutellata

Ascomycetes are fascinating, especially when viewed with a microscope. Here the spores of the Eyelash Fungus Scutellaria scutellata can be seen packed in sets of eight into the asci tubes. The same image in higher magnification can be seen on our Eyelash Fungus page.

Pat O'Reilly's book Fascinated by Fungi contains a very useful introduction to fungal microscopy.

Clitocybe odora, a beautiful blue aniseed-scented mushroom

Blue is not a colour normally associated with mushrooms, but there are a few striking blue species. Pictured here is one that makes itself obvious in another way too: the Aniseed Funnel Clitocybe odora can be found by 'following your nose'! See our Sortable Fungi Index for pictures and identification details for more than 770 fascinating fungi species.

Common Blue butterflyAmanita muscaria - Fly AgaricEpipactis atrorubens - Dark-red Helleborine

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